Introduction to Bowling: Coaching Sessions will be held in the second half of April and in early May.
Please register your interest using the form below.
For Term & Conditions see below​
Term & Conditions
Coaching sessions for beginners are free of charge. There is no obligation to join at the end of the course.
IMPORTANT: for attendees to use the bowling green suitable shoes are required. They can be trainers or similar but they MUST have smooth soles, no patterned soles are allowed on the green. The club can provide a limited number of such shoes, free of charge for the duration. If required, please state shoe size under 'Other Information' on the Registration Form.
Use of bowls provided by the club for the coaching sessions are free of charge.
No specific dress code is necessary – just come in comfortable attire.
Applications for the Introduction and the following Coaching Sessions are accepted at the discretion of Gosforth Bowling Club, but may not be unreasonably be refused.
There is no obligation to take membership of the club, but membership taken following attendance of the Introduction and subsequent Coaching Sessions is at a preferential rate.